Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cold Frame Bed

Here are some pictures! First, of the cold frame bed we put in today (on the left). What this does is trap heat and warm up the ground and plants so we can start planting earlier. There's nothing in there yet, but will be soon. We got the windows from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

Also, here's what the farm looks like right now. It looks a little brown, but garlic is still growing. Despite being small and having a few aphids, the spinach is so sweet and delicious!!! Some of our romaine lettuce also survived through the winter under the row cover.

Everything else is pretty frost bitten and a little weedy and windblown... but so it goes in the winter. in the next few weeks we will be pulling out our fall crops and start prepping beds for spring! we'll also be starting seeds, seed catalog fortunes willing :)

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