Wednesday, April 13, 2011

hello! this past week and a half we have gotten a lot done at the farm...notably the electric fence is up and working for the first time in a long time so if you go out there please make sure to turn it off before you touch it! I hear it delivers quite a shock....

we have transplanted all of our broccoli, cabbage and most of our lettuce, as well as seeded some spring greens (broccoli raab and mustard greens). We also have weeded most of the truly wild areas of the garden, where in one case, baby rabbits were nesting! oh no! but we moved them outside of the garden where they will not eat all of the spring greens, and made a secure gate so no more animals can get in.

the peas and onions are up (sprouting), which is exciting, but we may have to re-seed some of the carrots, since they have not yet come up.

tomorrow (thursday) is eat local day at the great room! we will have a table up and hopefully some of our produce will be specially featured but please stop by and say hello and try some spinach and kale from the farm.

we will also have a table at World carnival this weekend and if you'd like to help paint some of our signs, make hot pepper wreaths, or seed tomatoes please stop by!

Aaron French's SMP, the church community garden located right next to the campus farm, was recently featured in the St. Mary's Enterprise, a local newspaper. It was a really nice article about the importance of community gardening especially for faith-based organizations, and there are pictures of the campus farm. for more information on that project please see the website:

unfortunately, in some bad news, we have had to abandon the community garden by DPC. we don't currently have the time or resources to make it all that it can be and some administrators felt that it was not helping the area's aesthetics. however, this will allow us to really focus on the campus farm and have a wide diversity of flowers, herbs and vegetables in one place.

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